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Learn Spoken English with Netflix OBLITERATED

Immerse yourself in the English language in the party atmosphere. Even if you don't have native English speakers around you. By watching this fun scene from the Obliterated series (Netflix), you can imagine real-life scenarios and practice understanding FAST American English. It's very difficult, but here is a practical lesson to help you with this. Also, we look at some common casual expressions and slang words.

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Learn new words and phrases

Hi everyone. Are you ready to learn English? Let's start watching the scene and discover new words!

"Have fun" is just a fancy way of saying, "I hope you enjoy yourself!" It's like telling someone to relax and have a good time.

"chick" used here as a slang word that means a young woman. This word is considered offensive by many women. But in the scene we are watching "chick" be used in irony sense, as a joke. This is a comedy movie.

"round" used here in the context of drinks, and means a single serving of a drink for each person in a group. For example, you might say, "Let's have another round" after everyone has finished their first drink.

"Hurry up!" is a command urging someone to move faster, often used when time is limited or something needs to be done quickly. It can be spoken with a positive or negative tone, depending on the situation.
Please remember, always consider the context and your relationship with the person before using "hurry up!" to avoid causing offense.

"there you go" often used when giving something to someone, usually after a request for the thing. Here, Ava says "there you go"  to tell someone that she is giving them something they requested or needed.

"countdown" means an act of counting backwards to zero, especially before the start of an important event.

"heat signature" is a slang term here. In informal contexts, "heat signature" can mean someone or something that is attracting attention or suspicion. This meaning is often used metaphorically and without referring to actual heat.

"make sense" is an idiom that means to be reasonable and logical, and to have a clear purpose or goal.

"get eyes on" here means to monitor something in the context of security or surveillance, watching closely to make sure that everything is safe and secure.

"MO" is a contraction of the Latin phrase for "mode of operation". It refers to the pattern of someone's behavior. Ava is investigating the crime, and her phrase "not his MO" means it's an unusual act for this type of criminal.

"wild card" here means someone or something whose behavior is sometimes unexpected or uncertain.

- Mia, what's going on there? Are the people at this party in danger?
- Yes, Rowan, this scene is not just about a party, but also about investigating a crime. Please do not worry, and see what happens next.

"douchebag" is a slang term that means an rude, selfish, or unpleasant person. It's a bit of a strong and impolite word, so it's best to use it carefully. It's used ironically here.

"engage" here means to become involved, or have contact, with someone or something.

The phrase "look alive" used to tell someone to pay attention to what is happening around them and to be ready to act.

"copy that" means "I understand and have received your message".

"crosshairs" means two thin wires crossing each other in a gun or other device, which help the user aim the device accurately at a target.

"outfit" means to provide someone with clothes or other equipment. It's used ironically here.

"martyr" means a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their religious or political beliefs, and is often admired because of it.

"threat" means the possibility that something unwanted will happen, or a person or thing that is likely to cause something unwanted to happen.

"collateral damage" means the deaths or injuries of innocent civilians who are caught in the crossfire of a military action, and damage to buildings, vehicles, or other property that is not directly involved in the main objective of an action.

The phrase "flushing something down the drain" literally means to get rid of something by putting it in the toilet and operating the toilet. Here, it's used figuratively and means the act of wasting something.

"be supposed to" means to have to; to have a duty or a responsibility to.

"blow up" means to destroy something or kill someone with a bomb, or to be destroyed or killed by a bomb.

"suicide bomber" means a person who has a bomb hidden on his or her body and who kills himself or herself in the attempt to kill others.

"tie" here means to relate to or connect to.

"rig" here means to put something together quickly, for temporary use.

That's it for today. I hope you like it. If you are new here, don't forget to subscribe, because every week there will be a new video to help you speak English better. See you next lesson. Have a good time.

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